Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Mid-July Update

     There is a song I want you to think about (or listen to) while reading this post. Sarah Jarosz's Long Journey. Not necessarily for the lyrics but more for the feeling. In only a single short week, I'll be leaving all that I've ever known for Ukraine. It's a massive step that I've never taken before (with the exception of 4 years at college in Texas). In college, I was only separated from home by just over a thousand miles and a phone call or email. This time it's more miles than I care to think about and quite a few time zones. The Internet is shrinking the world in many ways so the distance won't be so bad. I have Skype to call home with and email still works. But when I know about .1% of the predominant language, it'll be an interesting experience (understatement of the century). I'll need all the support (moral and prayer) that I can get.
     And now for some news on the home-front. Last Saturday night, my awesome friends and family threw a going away party for me. I wasn't expecting it but it was great to see them all in one place. A friend of mine from Ukraine was particularly impressed that they decorated in blue and yellow (the national colors of Ukraine). I kind of ruined their surprise by coming in the back way instead of where everyone was waiting but I appreciated it nonetheless.
They kept asking when I'd be back and if I'd stay longer. It's good to know I'll be missed. They are the kind of people I want to come back to after my time in Ukraine is done. It's only going to be about six months but it'll still be hard. Family and friends who love and support me are hard to find. I'm glad to have them.
     I have most of my things in Maryland packed up. It's more than I remember bringing. Time to start paring down. I'll be moving back to Pennsylvania on the 18th. The countdown to leaving now stands at 9 days. July 25th at 12:30 AM from JFK International Airport. 

More to follow as I'm inspired.

     And yes, as it turns out, I am somewhat of a closet bluegrass fan. Kinda, sorta, maybe. Just a little bit. Like, not even noticeably. Nuts....Next thing you know I'll be wearing a cowboy hat and saying (shudders) "y'all." Wouldn't that be horrifying? Then I'll really stand out in Ukraine.

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