Monday, August 7, 2017

Do You Feel Like We Do?

     Do you feel like we do? Probably not. Reading about the trip on the blog is miles away from actually being there. Although several people have commented to me since our return that reading the blog was helpful in getting an idea of what it was like and what we were feeling. I'd agree with that. But for a true picture, you really need to come with us next time.
     So what's this post planned for since I'm back and not likely to return to Ukraine for a little while? Mostly, it's to collate my thoughts about this year's camp into a somewhat coherent stream of ideas and feelings. Because it's not like you can open up my head and see what I'm thinking. Stop it. Put that hacksaw away. Don't even bother trying. You might not like it if you did. Kids have visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads. Mine's full of Jeeps, mountain biking, and all sorts of other crazy things.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Riders On the Storm

     Thus Saturday ended camp. With rain, photos, hugs and goodbyes. It's been a long few days. As usual, it will be some time before we are all able to completely process our thoughts about the camp. I've been doing it along the way through this blog. But there's is still much more to think about. I've already been asked if I'll be coming back next year. I also need to think about my effectiveness as a team leader. But as it is, I think I can offer some preliminary ideas. And since it's the weekend now, I'm going to include Sunday into this post as well. Both were long, busy days. I guess I'll throw a little Monday into the mix as well....considering this is Tuesday and I'm typing in my kitchen at home. There are a lot of photos here so you might want a cup of coffee or tea as you read and peruse this post

Saturday, July 29, 2017

With a Little Help From My Friends

     Before we get things rolling, I wanted to answer a question that came up twice in the comments on yesterday's blog post. It basically asked how the rest of the American team is doing. Save for one exception, I'd say the common word is rough. Whether mentally, physically, or emotionally, it's been a long rough week. Some of us, too, aren't completely sure about how the transition back to American life will go. I dealt with this back in 2014 after my first English camp. Basically, the word rough will apply to the next while or so for all of us.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Everybody Hurts

The dining hall on the left, the lecture hall on the right.
     Right, SITREP (situation report). I seem to have caught something again. Or whatever it was that I had earlier in the week is back. The simple list is a sore throat, a pair of weak/sore legs and a headache. The legs and headache are related to the higher level of activity than I am used to. The sore throat, I suspect, is a result of the dry air combined with my cold from earlier. Yes, I'm drinking a lot and trying to stay hydrated. I also am getting as much sleep as possible and taking acetaminophen as necessary. No need to worry. Just pray.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

You Can't Always Get What You Want...

...but sometimes you get what you need. Like this bonus post of photos that I haven't been able to squeeze into the other posts. This is just a gallery post. Minimal writing. Enjoy.
The skies over Poland.

Hurts So Good

     Well...on second thought, not so much. Today was the quest and it left me with multiple hurting muscles in my chest, stomach and arms. Like I needed any more aches this week. I'm just glad I made it through the quest in one piece....Sheesh, I sound like an old man.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Only Time Will Tell... this camp will turn out. But right now, I have high hopes. As a preview for later in the post, there's been some pushback from students on certain things as usual but overall the mood is positive.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Wish You Were Here

     The weather is beautiful. Or as my dad likes to say, "The weather is here, wish you were beautiful."
     What a day. I guess I'll begin at the beginning (what a novel concept) and we'll see where this goes. Not hitting writer's block just yet but it'll certainly feel like it soon.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Still the Same

The view north towards Padol on the Dnipr.
     I'm not sure what I was expecting when I came back to Ukraine. Would things be the same? What will have changed in the months since last September? To be honest, during all the preparation, neither of those questions ran through my head. But now that I'm here, I'm constantly seeing things that have changed, been upgraded, or improved. And yet, so much is still the same. The Rodina Mat (Motherland statue) still stands guard over the city. Street vendors still hawk their wares from nearly every street corner. And the marshrukas still worry the inexperienced.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Same Old Song and Dance (edited)

Surprisingly decent airplane food. Well, most of it.
     It's that same old feeling again. Cramped quarters, cabin air, airplane food, and shared experience that makes traveling with friends so interesting.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Takin' Care of Business (pt 2)

     That's right folks. I'M BACK! The Brian and Ukraine blog is officially back in business. The crew here (that is, just me) is all ready to bring you more exciting content from Brian's travels to the land of vyshyvanka and dill-in-everything. I should explain.