Thursday, August 20, 2015


     Real quick post for tonight. Tomorrow I'm leaving to go on the church retreat and I need to sleep and pack before meeting at the office at 9AM tomorrow. I'll just write my notes out similar to how they are in my notebook.
  • Elders are to live/model/demonstrate the life of Christ.
  • Elders need to be overseer. They should watch carefully, pay attention to the needs of the congregation. The need to talk/communicate with the congregation, especially those they don't see/talk to often.
  • The elders should love the congregation as Christ loves the church. They are entrusted to the elders. The elders have the responsibility to care for the people. Read about Moses to see how he led the people.
  • Elders need to become the servant of the people. Show humility.
     Yeah, it's not clear and written out like the past few days but there has been a lot going on today. I just got back from a late-evening walk with some of the people from English club. It was similar to the event on Tuesday. It seems like this will be a regular thing. The group is called Walking English. We walk around different parts of the city and talk in English. Sometimes it will be about something historical in the city. Other times it's just a preplanned topic and I help them with their vocabulary. It's just a good way of getting together and practicing. It sure beats being stuck in a classroom.


  1. Brian thanks for the updates. Does this class take place in English or do you have someone translating?

  2. The person who taught it was a PCA pastor in Texas for about 20 years. His name is Jerry Rahm. He does fill-in preaching now for churches who need a pulpit filled on Sundays. So the classes were in English with translation for the elder candidates. Pastor Max translated twice and the other two days were shared by two women from Big City, Dara Nikitiuk and Katya Lavrinchuk.
