Thursday, June 16, 2016

Teach Your Children

     Just a quick post today. I wanted to share a video I made of the English club ministry. A few months ago, David asked me to make a video that he could show to churches while he is back in the States. It's partially an advertisement for bringing new teachers here. But it's also a way of showing the human face of what we're doing here. Yes, teaching is involved. Hence the title of this post. But But the club is so much more than that. I've written thousands of words on the subject. Words alone, however, don't convey the impact of what's happening here. A video like this is an important part of sharing the challenges and fruit of this ministry with the people back home.
     You may have seen the rough draft I made of this video a couple of months ago. If not, you can find it here. This is the final version of that video. It was a lot of work editing and filming. I'm glad it's finally done. The editing process is still new to me. There was a lot of teaching and learning between the rough draft and this version. I've quickly found the limits of my computer and iMovie. If I keep doing this, I might have to invest in some better equipment in the future. Not just a good camera and microphone.