Monday, August 15, 2016

Shake It Up

     After a week of normal life again, I think I'm finally caught up on sleep and rest. Camp was a big shake up to my normal schedule. It's good to finally be back to something normal. Not a whole lot going on though now. I'm in the wind-down faze of the trip. I'll be leaving in about two and a half weeks. But there are still things to do.     Last week was slow mostly. Not a whole lot going on. I got to have dinner with the Eides and some friends from my home church on Tuesday. They stayed a few days after camp for a visit. Then it wasn't until Saturday that anything else happened.

     I was informed in the middle of the week that as part of the followup to camp, we'd have an Ultimate Frisbee event in the city. I haven't played it much this year. At camp and yesterday proved that I really need to start exercising again. I'll be glad to have my bike again when I return. I much prefer that over running. I should have known to wear shorts and not pants. Even though the day was cool, I still should have changed before leaving.
If you look closely, you'll be able to see my new beard. I'm trying something different for a bit.
     The Ultimate event was a lot of fun (despite being winded often). I'm still good at the passes, throws and sprinting. So it was immediately clear what my role on the team should be. But the constant running back and forth wasn't my forte. You can see more of the photos from the even here.
     Saturday was also a good time to reconnect with some people from camp. We had about fifteen show up (including staff). This already feels like Liberty is on the right path to staying connected. Followup after events like the English camp are extremely important. We need to hold a variety of events (not only spiritual or sports) to keep the students coming back.
     For the future, the Liberty team is planning lots of new events. There's a possibility of one tomorrow night. But the certain one will be coming up on Thursday evening. I'll write more after that one.
     If it seems like I'm not writing much in the weeks following camp, it's probably true. Over the next few weeks, I'll only write when there's something big happening. That is, unless I feel some inspiration, like I did on Wednesday of camp, to write something profound.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting. It's still good to hear from you even if there's not much happening. It's also good to hear that Liberty is big on followup.
