Monday, March 7, 2016

English Club Antics

     Last week, David had the idea for a new game. The goal of the game it to write simple stories in English. It basically goes like this. The students are divided into five different teams. Each has a piece of paper. The team has to write one sentence. Then the paper gets passed to the next team and they write a sentence. This goes on until there are five sentences. So we have five different stories created in collaboration with over forty people on Monday and about thirty-five on Sunday. As David said on Sunday, "These are stories that have never been heard before." If you can understand the hand-writing, you'll have a good laugh from these.

     These first five are from Big City English Club on Monday, February 29th. (Click to zoom)

     This next batch of stories is from Sunday, March 6th.


  1. What I could read was awesome!

  2. The story writing is a great (and fun) idea!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I closely read the blog and story and idea shared is great, it will inspire other as well to write. Thanks for the sharing

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