Happy Groundhog Day! I didn't know it but today is also Groundhog Day in Ukraine. So for all you out there who put stock in the prescient capabilities of prognosticating rodents, this is your cross-cultural experience of the day.
This is a video of the festivities from Kharkiv, Ukraine.
His decision, when running towards the money, is a local custom. According to tradition, if he runs toward a sign twice, the dollar-grivna exchange rate will rise or fall. It just depends on which he runs to twice. Since he ran different ways each time, the groundhog "decided" that the exchange rate will be unstable.
I had wanted to see the Bill Murray movie tonight but it seems that finding it on DVD here would be difficult. And I don't have Netflix. I'll have to settle for clips on Youtube.
That is all.
So many silly traditions we have!