Thursday, December 31, 2015

Out with the old... with the new. So, it's the last day of 2015. What a year it's been.
     It's so cliche to do a "year in review" article/post/video/etc. News sites and blogs and Youtube have been full of the things. "Top 10" articles abound this time of year along with the video montages of highlights and stupidity. Yeah, it's good to reminise and recall the good times. But we also remember the all garbage spewed by society in the last 365 days.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

"They say I'm lazy but it takes all my time..."

     And here I thought I'd go crazy from not having enough to do. I've got plenty to do. It's just a different sort of busy from what I was expecting. So, I guess I've got a lot of catch-up to play. It's been a few days since I last wrote something here and each of them has been busy. I'll just begin where I left off and go from there. Grab a cup of coffee or tea, this is a long post.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

On the Eve

     For this two-pronged blog post, I want to talk about two things. My current view of the world and Christmas.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Walk of Life

     It doesn't happen often, but I sometimes have a sudden realization that I'm living in a foreign country. Yeah, shocking, right? I think I forget it sometimes. I don't know why. It's something that I never thought I'd be doing. It's mainly a I-never-thought-anything-would-change-and-now-it-has thing. After six years of sameness, everything is different. Living in a foreign culture/country/city brings in a huge batch of changes that I've talked about somewhat over the past 65 blog posts.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

"Saturday Night's Alright... (Updated 12/22/15)

... for Fighting." Well, not really. I just needed a title that related to the day I'm writing this.
     This weekend post is brought to you with the sponsorship of..."Slow Saturdays, your source for getting thing done since the beginning of time," in partnership with "I'M GOING TO SEE STAR WARS TODAY SO I NEED TO DO THIS NOW!" Yep, the foggy weather has settled in and I need to get some things typed up before I forget about it all and bask in the glow of celluloid and inter-stellar swashbuckling.
     This post is partially a continuation of the Q&A post from a few days ago. I thought of a few more topics to write about but didn't get them finished in time before the post went live. So the next three are just topics I thought of that people might be interested in knowing about.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Q&A: The Second

     Alrighty ladies and gents, here it is, the second Q&A session for this blog. It's been long enough since the last one hasn't it? Over three months. I've answered a few questions here and there in the comments. But I like to have a bunch all together in one place for a big ball of informative-goodness.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Long Run

     So the news is out. I mentioned in the last post that I want to stay longer. This is my post to expand on that statement. First though, a little history.

Monday, December 7, 2015

The Times, They Are A-Changin'

      As was pointed out to me yesterday by my dad, I haven't updated this in a while. So here it is. Thanks to not paying attention, and a whole lot of other things on my mind, the updates were lost in the pile of "to-dos."